47 NEW 48 OPEN 49 SAVE 50 PRINT 51 FIND 52 FINDNEXT 53 CHANGE 54 NEXT 55 PREV 56 COMPILE 57 MAKE 58 REBUILD 59 DEBUGICON 60 EXECUTE 61 CUT 62 COPY 63 PASTE 64 HELPKEY 65 UNDO 66 REDO 67 FILEICON 110 WinEdit Version 96w 111 96w 201 Can't open the file '%s' 202 Can't read the file '%s' 203 Can't create the file '%s' 204 Can't write the file '%s' 205 Invalid filename: '%s' 206 .TXT 207 %s has been changed. Save file before closing? 208 Can't find '%s' 209 Can't load Windows Help application 210 Out of local memory. Save file now and close a window. 211 Out of memory. Close a document and retry. 212 You must enter command information in the Configure... dialog box before issuing this command. 213 Cannot paste a block larger than 64K. 217 UNTITLED 218 WinEdit 219 WINEDIT.INI 224 WinEdit - 225 Cannot print %s! 226 %s has been changed. Save file before compiling? 227 Cannot edit a readonly file 1001 FileNew 1002 FileOpen 1003 FileMerge 1004 FileList 1005 FileDiff 1006 FileSave 1007 FileSaveAs 1008 FileSaveAll 1009 FilePrint 1010 FilePrintSetup 1011 FilePageSetup 1012 FileSetPref 1013 FileKeys 1014 FileExit 1015 EditUndo 1016 EditRedo 1017 EditCut 1018 EditCopy 1019 EditPaste 1020 EditClear 1021 EditUp 1022 EditDown 1023 EditLeft 1024 EditRight 1025 EditHome 1026 EditEnd 1027 EditPageUp 1028 EditPageDown 1029 EditWordLeft 1030 EditWordRight 1031 EditTopOfFile 1032 EditEndOfFile 1033 EditTab 1034 EditBackTab 1035 EditSelectAll 1036 EditStartSelection 1037 EditEndSelection 1038 EditSelectLeft 1039 EditSelectRight 1040 EditSelectUp 1041 EditSelectDown 1042 EditSelectHome 1043 EditSelectEnd 1044 EditSelectPageUp 1045 EditSelectPageDown 1046 EditSelectWordLeft 1047 EditSelectWordRight 1048 EditSelectTopOfFile 1049 EditSelectEndOfFile 1050 EditToggleWordWrap 1051 EditToggleIns 1052 EditToggleAutoIndent 1053 EditBackspace 1054 EditCopyLine 1055 EditCutLine 1056 EditGoToLine 1057 EditGoToColumn 1058 EditSetColumnBlock 1059 SearchFind 1060 SearchNext 1061 SearchChange 1062 SearchBrace 1063 SearchNextErr 1064 SearchPrevErr 1065 SearchViewOutput 1066 MacroRecord 1067 RunCompile 1068 RunMake 1069 RunRebuild 1070 RunDebug 1071 RunExecute 1072 RunConfig 1073 WindowNew 1074 WindowNext 1075 WindowMinimize 1076 WindowMaximize 1077 WindowRestore 1078 WindowClose 1079 WindowTile 1080 WindowCascade 1081 WindowArrangeIcons 1082 WindowCloseAll 1083 HelpIndex 1084 HelpKeyboard 1085 HelpCommands 1086 HelpProcedures 1087 HelpOnHelp 1088 HelpKeywords 1089 HelpAbout 2000 Cannot load WinBatch DLL 2001 Nothing on clipboard to paste. 2002 Edit Paste 2003 Pasting column block... 2008 Enter License Info... 2009 Recording Macro 2010 Line %lu Col %u 2011 Line 999999 Col 99999 2012 INS 2013 OVR 2014 Out of memory. 2015 Printer Setup 2016 Cannot access specified driver. 2017 Error in Printer Setup 2018 Nothing selected to cut. 2019 Edit Cut 2020 Cutting column block... 2021 ANSI Character Set 2022 OEM Character Set 2023 Text Files|*.txt|INI Files|*.ini|All Files|*.*| 2024 Source Files|*.c;*.cpp;*.h;*.rc;*.def|Text Files|*.txt|All Files|*.*| 2025 UNTITLED 2026 UNTITLED* 2027 Error initializing program. 2028 Open Project File 2029 File Merge 2030 compiling 2031 running Make 2032 rebuilding 2033 debugging 2034 running program 2035 Batch processor fatal error 2036 Error! 2037 running command 2038 WinEdit Compile Window 2039 Save %s before %s? 2040 Compile complete. Choose 'Yes' to analyze \nresults, or 'No' to load output file. 2041 Compile 2042 error parsing 2043 Nothing selected to cut. 2044 Edit Cut 2045 Nothing selected to copy. 2046 Edit Copy 2047 You can cut a selection greater than 64K to the clipboard, but 2048 Cannot paste a selection greater than 64K. Continue anyway? 2049 Copying column block to clipboard... 2050 Project Files|*.wpj|All Files|*.*| 2051 '%s' not found. 2052 Find 2053 Repeat Last Find 2054 Cannot search backwards with regular expression. 2055 Cannot make regular expression template. 2056 File Open 2057 Save File As 2058 %s is a READ ONLY file. Please choose a different file name. 2059 Save File 2060 Error writing file. 2061 Rename File 2062 Replace 2063 Please confirm empty replace string. 2064 Confirm Replace 2065 2066 Reset all key assignments to original default settings? 2067 Reset Key Assignments 2068 NULL character encountered in file. Replace with 'ÿ' (ASCII value 255) character? 2069 Maximum line length of 16384 characters exceeded. Use another editor to edit this file. 2070 Macro Files 2071 Save Recorded Macro As 2072 %s is already open. Please choose another name. 2073 Save Recorded Macro 2074 Could not create file. 2075 Macro script not saved. Try again? 2076 Maximum macro size reached. 2077 Record Macro 2078 At top of output listing 2079 At bottom of output listing 2080 No warnings or errors found 2081 Save Project As 2082 JIS Character Set 2500 Reopen File 2501 &Filename : 2502 OK 2503 Cancel 2504 &Open new... 2505 Replace 2506 &Find: 2507 &Replace with: 2508 &Match case 2509 C&onfirm before changing 2510 Search &backwards 2511 C&hange all 2512 Regular Expression 2513 Print 2514 Printing 2515 on the 2516 on 2517 Find 2518 &Match Upper/Lowercase 2519 F&orward 2520 &Backward 2521 &Printer: 2522 &Setup... 2523 Page Setup 2524 &Header: 2525 &Footer: 2526 %f: File Name %d: Date and Time %p: Page Number 2527 Margins 2528 &Left: 2529 &Right: 2530 &Top: 2531 &Bottom: 2532 &One Up 2533 T&wo Up 2534 &Printer font... 2535 Font 2536 &Font: 2537 Font St&yle: 2538 &Size: 2539 &Apply 2540 &Help 2541 Effects 2542 Stri&keout 2543 &Underline 2544 &Color: 2545 Sample 2546 AaBbYyZz 2547 ANSI Character Set 2548 Project Management 2549 &Project Name: 2550 Working &Directory: 2551 Compi&ler: 2552 &Open... 2553 &Save... 2554 %f = file name %n = base name, no extension %e = file extension only 2555 &Compile command: 2556 Capture Output 2557 &Make command: 2558 &Rebuild command: 2559 De&bug command: 2560 &Execute command: 2561 Preferences 2562 &Screen Font... 2563 &File filters... 2564 &Backup specification: 2565 &Tab Size: 2566 Configuration 2567 &Lite 2568 St&andard 2569 &Professional 2570 &Reopen last file at startup 2571 &Zoom window at startup 2572 Show &Control Bar 2573 &Warning sounds 2574 Go to line: 2575 File Filters 2576 File filters for the File Open and File Save As dialog boxes 2577 &Description 2578 &Pattern 2579 &Add 2580 &Remove 2581 Confirm Replace 2582 Replace this occurrence? 2583 &Yes 2584 &No 2585 Key Assignments 2586 Co&mmands: 2587 Cu&rrent Keys for: 2588 &Add 2589 D&elete 2590 &Close 2591 Re&set 2592 Shortcut Key: 2593 2594 Currently: 2595 Configure Error Parsing 2596 ERROR&FORMAT: 2597 ERROR&ORDER: 2598 ERROR&TEXT: 2599 &Help 2600 &Remove 2601 &Default Line End 2602 CR/LF 2603 LF 2604 CR 2605 LF/CR 2606 Sa&ve tabs in file 2607 La&nguage 2608 Analyze Results 2609 Load Output File 2610 Show Status &Bar 2611 Show &Horizontal Scrollbar 2612 Changes made to the Horizontal Scrollbar setting\nwill take effect for new windows 2613 Cursor must be on a word for Keyword Help 2614 Cursor must be on a brace for Brace Matching 2615 Brace Matching 2616 No matching brace found. 2617 Save files before running tools 2618 Prompt before saving files 2619 &Help 2620 WinEdit Autosave file %s found. You should examine this file to decide if it contains any unsaved data 2621 minutes 2622 &Autosave every 2623 &Backup specification 2624 &Color Syntax Printing 3001 &New 3002 &Open... 3003 &Merge... 3004 Pre&vious files... 3005 &Difference... 3006 &Save 3007 Save &As... 3008 Save A&ll... 3009 &Print... 3010 P&rinter Setup... 3011 Page Se&tup... 3012 Pr&eferences... 3013 &Key Assignments... 3014 E&xit 3015 &Undo 3016 &Redo 3017 Cu&t 3018 &Copy 3019 &Paste 3020 C&lear 3035 &Select All 3050 &Word Wrap 3051 &Insert Mode 3052 &Auto Indent 3056 &Go to line... 3058 Column &Block 3059 &Find... 3060 &Repeat Last Find 3061 &Change... 3062 Find Matching &Brace 3063 &Next Error 3064 &Previous Error 3065 &View Compiler Output 3067 &Compile 3068 &Make 3069 &Rebuild 3070 &Debug 3071 &Execute 3072 Con&figure... 3073 &New 3074 Ne&xt 3078 &Close 3079 &Tile 3080 &Cascade 3081 Arrange &Icons 3082 Close &All 3083 &Index 3084 &Keyboard 3085 &Commands 3086 &Procedures 3087 &Using Help 3088 &Key Word Help 3089 &About WinEdit... 4000 &File 4001 &Edit 4002 &Search 4003 &Project 4004 &Window 4005 &Help 4006 &Utility 4007 &Macro 5001 Open new document window 5002 Read an existing disk file into document window 5003 Merge a disk file into window at current position 5004 Select from list of previously opened documents 5005 Compare the differences between two files or directories 5006 Save current document to disk 5007 Save current document with new name 5008 Save all changed documents without prompting 5009 Print the current document 5010 Configure printer 5011 Set print output options 5012 Set display options 5013 Configure shortcut keys 5014 Quit the program 5015 Undo the previous editing action 5016 Restore the last undo operation 5017 Move the current selection to the clipboard 5018 Copy the current selection to the clipboard 5019 Paste the clipboard contents to the document 5020 Delete the current selection 5035 Select the entire document 5050 Turn word wrap on or off 5051 Switch between insert and overtype modes 5054 Copy the current line to the clipboard 5055 Move the current line to the clipboard 5056 Move the current position to 5057 Move the current position to 5058 Select by column 5059 Search for text 5060 Repeat most recent search 5061 Search for text and replace with new text 5062 Find next matching brace 5063 Review next warning or error 5064 Review previous warning or error 5065 View captured compiler output 5067 Compile a source file 5068 Make the executable as specified in the project file 5069 Rebuild the executable as specified in the project file 5070 Start the debugger 5071 Run the executable 5072 Configure the project options 5073 Create a new window 5074 Switch to next document window 5075 Minimize the document window 5076 Maximize the document window 5077 Restore the document window 5078 Close the document window 5079 Tile all document windows 5080 Cascade all document windows 5081 Arrange minimized document windows 5082 Close all document windows 5083 Display the Help Index 5084 Display the Keyboard Help 5085 Display the Command Help 5086 Display the Procedures Help 5087 Display Help on using Windows Help 5088 Display Help using current word as topic 5089 Display the About dialog 5206 Show or hide control bar